III. International Workshop on Sustainable Living
13-20 June 2009, Bolu, TURKEY
Based on the Gaia Education Ecovillage Design Curriculum - an official contribution to the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014.
Inspired by Gaia Education.
Supported by Abant İzzet Baysal University, AIBU Foundation for Reseach and Development, METU, Güneşköy Cooperative.
What is the International Workshop on Sustainable Living?
Climate change, approaching peak oil, and depletion of non-renewable resources are challenging sustainability of life on earth. There is a need for an education that empowers citizens through knowledge and tools which enable them to actively participate in the design and creation of sustainable communities and bioregions.
“International Workshop on Sustainable Living" will empower individuals with the knowledge for shaping their worlds and becoming more self-reliant while engaging in community, bioregional as well as international cooperation.
The programme is based on the Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) Curriculum, developed by a team of leading edge sustainability educators from 23 ecovillages worldwide. The Ecovillage Design Education is a training curriculum in holistic sustainable community design and development. It is based on four core pillars: the social, worldview, ecological and economic dimensions of sustainability and draws on the experience and expertise developed in a network of some of the most successful ecovillages and community projects across the earth. The programme of this workshop covers the social and ecological dimensions of EDE cirriculum.
Program Content:
June 13 Saturday -Opening, introduction, designing for sustainability,
June 14 Sunday -Social sustainability- building community, embracing diversity, communication skills (Non-Violent Communication based)
June 15 Monday -Art of leading in the circle, facilitation, inclusive decision making processes
June 16 Tuesday -Holistic science and spiral dynamics, transition town movement
June 17 Wednesday -Whole systems approach to ecological design,
-Climate change and energy policies
June 18 Thrusday -Appropriate technology: Water, climate change and energy policies, Turkey’s sustainability case studies
June 19 Friday -Carbon and ecological footprint analysis, green building
June 20 Saturday -Worldview, participants feedback and closure
June 21 Sunday -Departure
May East Sustainability Educator, Director of Gaia Education,
Coordinator Findhorn Ecovillage Education Programmes
Michael Shaw Ecological Designer and Engineer,
Director of The Ecovillage Institute at Findhorn
İnci Gökmen Educator, METU, Prof. Dr.
Güneşköy Cooperative
Ali Gökmen Educator, METU, Prof. Dr.
Güneşköy Cooperative
Deniz Dinçel Biologist, EDE Trainer, Gaia Education-Turkey
Mehmet Tunçer Urban and Regional Planner, Educator, AIBU
Head of the Department of Architecture, AIBU, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Organizing Committee:
Mehmet Tunçer AIBU Department of Architecture
İnci Gökmen METU Chemistry Department, Güneşköy Cooperative
Ali Gökmen METU Chemistry Department, Güneşköy Cooperative
Deniz Dinçel Gaia Education Turkey
Mehmet Saner AIBU Department of Architecture
Meral Yücel AIBU Department of Architecture
Who Can Apply?
University students, educators, trainers, individuals involved in sustainable community initiatives of all kinds; professionals in building careers; permaculture and sustainable regional planners; social workers, business people interested in ethical development.
The Language of the Workshop:
Registration fee: 150 TL (72 Euro). There is a limited bursary fund. If you need financial support please let us know with your application.
Price for Accommodation per Day:
AIBU Guest House -double rooms, including breakfast 20 TL. (€ 9).
Prices for Food:
Approximately € 10 per day.
Applications: Please send your application no later than May 27, 2009 to
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